Thursday, October 05, 2006


It sucks. I had a job interview in the DC area last Friday. Not getting an offer. I'm confused because what they said they wanted turns out to be not what they really wanted. I have what they really wanted too, but was focusing on what they said they wanted.

Oh well - on to the next opportunity!

On the bright side - I'm down 9 pounds today.


Josh said...

Congrats on the weight loss.

In my interview for the job I'm at now, the lady interviewing me finally dropped a bombshell, "I think you're overqualified for the job."

Who is ready to answer this question? I was so ready to tell her why I would be a good candidate and she dropped this bombshell on me?

I ended up taking the job anyways, and the lady was right. I'm blowing all of the other people in my department out of the water. I enjoy what I do and being on top, though. And it makes for good opportunity for promotions.

Hang in there.

chelene said...

Too bad about the job, Slave. The weight loss so far is fantastic. The woman sitting next to me is doing a lemon juice/cayenne pepper/maple syrup detox...she's having a rough go of it.

Slave to the dogs said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement, prophet. I'm actually overqualified for the job I'm at now and am bored to tears. Ah well, on to the next opportunity.

Chel, I've read about that - I think it's called Master Cleanse. That sounds harder because you don't have the variety of flavors in juices that I'm getting.