and meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. He sends them straight to hell.
Have you heard this one? Well, it's not a joke. As if he couldn't get any more repulsive, OJ is starring in a new special on Fox News called "If I Did It", based on a book he just published. Apparently it details how he would have committed the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman - if he had committed the crime. If. Because, you see, he wasn't guilty. And I'm Cameron fucking Diaz. Even if that is, ahem, true, how disgusting and mind-blowingly insensitive is it to capitalize off this shit? I saw a quote from Goldman's dad on this that said he couldn't comment on it because he'd have to use profanity. I'm cleary not so restrained.
And where does Dan Abrams fit in? He was commenting about the situation on the Today show this morning, speaking of OJ's behavior in his typically chipper-yet-derisive manner. And at the end of the interview, he dropped the little nugget that he had a blurb published on OJ's book jacket. Yeah Dan - there's a nice toasty inferno in hell reserved for hypocritical publicity diggers like you.
It sounds almost like an admission of guilt to me.
I'm thinking he's just going to read off the prosecutions case.
Shameless promotion for a book. I'm suprised no one has tried to kill him yet.
Slave, I read about this earlier on MSN. I initially thought it was a joke. He should be rotting in jail.
Fever, I can't comment, I'm mesmerized by your picture.
I think the key word there is yet, cat.
Chel - no joke. In OJ's case, it's really too bad about that pesky double jeopardy law.
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