Thursday, December 06, 2007

Play Along - Drink Most Foul

I've come up with a game. Please play with me.

The game is to invent a disgusting drink (alcoholic preferred but non will do) and come up with a name for it. This should provide loads of easy entertainment for simple-minded people like me.

I'll start.

Double Fountain - prune juice & tequila

Swamp Water - wheatgrass and tequila, by Cat
Teeter Totter - Red Bull and Nyquil by Mur
Bubble Vision - Dish detergent and absinthe by Metro
Licorice Margarrhea - tequila, sambuca and Pepto Bismol by Beckeye

Keep 'em coming kids. Good stuff! Perhaps we'll put these on the menu when the spousal unit opens his bar.


Catherine said...

Hmm...wheat grass and tequila. Swamp Water!

Anonymous said...

Red Bull and Nyquil...A Teeter-totter.

Metro said...

Dish detergent and absinthe: Bubble Vision.

Metro said...

I've dropped this on my blog, too. Hope you don't mind.

BeckEye said...

Tequila, sambuca and Pepto Bismol.

Licorice Margarrhea.

Metro said...

Thought of another:

80-weight motor oil and moonshine: Greased Lightning